Friday, July 9, 2010

The Retro Duo NES/SNES Games System and the Retron 3 Bring Old Cartridges Back from the Dead

True gamers are pretty hardcore and I bet you’d be hard pressed to find one who hasn’t held onto at least half of the old consoles they’ve burned through even if they don’t work properly anymore. Indeed, many often dust off the old consoles just for fun when they’re feeling a bit nostalgic but when that console finally craps out on them, they’re left with few alternatives but to scour eBay and Amazon for used consoles and hope that they work when they arrive.

 However, two new consoles bring those favorite console games (NES, SNES, Sega Genesis) back to life.

First up is the Retro Duo NES/SNES system. This tiny little device features sleek black and red designs and it will play any NES or SNES cartridge around—providing that the cartridge is still in working order. Retailing for around $50 depending on where you pick it up, this machine comes standard with two controllers that take their styling straight from the Super Nintendo.

Next is the Retron 3. This box comes in a variety of colors (red or black) and will play Super Nintendo, Nintendo, and Sega Genesis games. While it looks a bit bulbous and fantastical, it works quite well. When it comes to authenticity, this system has the Retro beat. You can use original console controllers with this puppy! However, if yours are too encrusted with Dorito crumbs, the console also packs a pair of futuristic wireless controllers. This system will run you an extra $20 over the Retro Duo but that buys the ability to play Sega games as well.



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