Saturday, October 16, 2010

How to open Multiple Instances of yahoo Messenger

In today’s world you may have more than one Yahoo messenger ID where you have different friend list with different ID but sometime there may be possibility that you want to chat multiple friends through different Yahoo messenger ID simultaneously from a single PC. But with Yahoo messenger you can open only one window at a time.
But there is a simple tweak which you can use to enjoy multiple instances of yahoo messenger. Just a simple change to your windows registry can allow you to login to yahoo messenger multiple times. Just follow the simple steps below.
  1. 1. Click Start—>Run and type Regedit in the text box and click OK.
  2. 2. Click on HKEY_CURRENT_USER then Software then Yahoo then Pager then clickTest. You will find something like this.
3. Bring your mouse in the right side pane and Right Click and then select New—>DWORD value.
4. You will find one more icon with the “New Value” below the default as below-
5. Just Right Click on the icon and rename this to Plural as shown above.
6. Double click on Plural and you will get the popup window like this below-
7. Change the value in the Value date to and click OK.
Now you are ready to enjoy multiple login to yahoo messenger. Just click the yahoo messenger icon in your PC as many time you want.  Every time you will get a new window to login. Have work, fun and everything you want with this.



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